If you have a drainage area, stormwater runoff, or would like to install a rain garden, the species listed below are adapted to wet, moist conditions and deep roots will filtrate water in the soil.
Seeding Rate: 3 oz/1000 s.f. or 6 lbs./acre
Wetland Species - Forbs
Scientific Name | Common Name | $/oz. | Color | Height | Bloom | Moisture | Sun | Purchase |
Alisma subcordata | Water Plantain | $14.50 | White | 3' | July-Sept. | W | PS-S | Order |
Anemone canadensis | Canada Anemone | $48.00 | Cream | 2' | June-Aug. | WM-M | PS-S | Order |
Angelica atropurpurea | Angelica | $ 9.50 | White | 4' | June-Aug. | W-M | S | Order |
Asclepias incarnata | Swamp Milkweed | $22.00 | Pink | 4' | July-Aug. | W-M | S | Order |
Asclepias syriaca | Common Milkweed | $14.00 | Pink | 4' | June-Aug. | WM-DM | PS-S | Order |
Coreopsis tripteris | Tall Coreopsis | $32.00 | Yellow | 5'-7' | July-Aug. | WM-DM | PS-S | Order |
Eupatorium maculatum | Joe-Pye Weed | $27.00 | Pink | 4'-6' | July-Sept. | W-WM | PS-S | Order |
Eupatorium perfoliatum | Boneset | $37.00 | White | 4'-5' | July-Sept. | W-WM | PS-S | Order |
Eupatorium rugosum | Snakeroot | $37.00 | White | 2'-4' | Aug.-Sept. | WM-DM | PS-S | Order |
Helenium autumnale | Sneezeweed | $17.00 | Yellow | 3'-4' | Aug.-Oct. | W-WM | PS-S | Order |
Hibiscus moscheutos | Swamp Rose Mallow | $17.00 | White/Pink | 5' | July-Sept. | W-WM | PS-S | Order |
Iris virginica | Southern Blue Flag | $27.00 | Blue | 2'-3' | June-Aug. | W-M | PS-S | Order |
Liatris spicata | Marsh Blazing Star | $32.00 | Purple | 3'-4' | July-Aug. | W-WM | PS-S | Order |
Lobelia cardinalis | Cardinal Flower | $70.00 | Red | 2'-5' | July-Aug. | W-WM | PS-S | Order |
Lobelia siphilitica | Great Blue Lobelia | $42.00 | Blue | 1'-4' | July-Sept. | W-M | PS-S | Order |
Mimulus ringens | Monkey-flower | $22.00 | Purple | 3' | June-Sept. | W-WM | PS-S | Order |
Monarda fistulosa | Wild Bergamot | $27.00 | Lavender | 2'-4' | July-Aug. | WM-D | PS-S | Order |
Oenothera biennis | Common Evening Primrose | $12.00 | Yellow | 2'-5' | July-Sept. | WM-D | PS-S | Order |
Pycnanthemum virginianum | Common Mountain Mint | $50.00 | White | 2'-3' | July-Aug. | W-DM | PS-S | Order |
Ratibida pinnata | Yellow Coneflower | $15.00 | Yellow | 3'-6' | July-Sept. | WM-D | PS-S | Order |
Rudbeckia fulgida | Sweet Black-eyed Susan | $40.00 | Yellow | 2'-3' | Aug.-Sept. | WM-DM | PS-S | Order |
Rudbeckia laciniata | Cut-leaved Coneflower | $27.00 | Yellow | 3'-8' | July-Sept. | WM-M | PS-S | Order |
Rudbeckia triloba | Three-lobed Coneflower | $18.00 | Yellow | 4' | Aug.-Sept. | WM-DM | PS-S | Order |
Silphium integrifolium | Rosin Weed | $22.00 | Yellow | 4'-6' | July-Sept. | WM-D | PS-S | Order |
Silphium laciniatum | Compass Plant | $32.00 | Yellow | 5'-10' | July-Sept. | WM-D | PS-S | Order |
Silphium perfoliatum | Cupplant | $17.00 | Yellow | 5'-8' | July-Sept. | WM-DM | PS-S | Order |
Silphium terebinthinaceum | Prairie Dock | $30.00 | Yellow | 5'-10' | July-Sept. | WM-DM | PS-S | Order |
Solidago graminifolia | Grassleaved Goldenrod | $52.00 | Yellow | 2'-4' | July-Sept. | W-D | PS-S | Order |
Solidago patula | Swamp Goldenrod | $45.00 | Yellow | 2'-7' | Aug.-Oct. | W-WM | PS-S | Order |
Solidago riddellii | Riddell's Goldenrod | $37.00 | Yellow | 2'-4' | Aug.-Oct. | WM-M | S | Order |
Solidago rigida | Stiff Goldenrod | $20.00 | Yellow | 3'-5' | Aug.-Oct. | WM-D | PS-S | Order |
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae | New England Aster | $42.00 | Purple | 3'-5' | Aug.-Oct. | W-DM | PS-S | Order |
Symphyotrichum puniceum | Swamp Aster | $42.00 | Lavender | 4' | Aug.-Oct. | W-WM | PS-S | Order |
Thalictrum dasycarpum | Purple Meadow Rue | $22.00 | Cream | 5'-7' | June-July | WM-M | PS-S | Order |
Thalictrum dioicum | Early Meadow Rue | $45.00 | Green | 2' | April-May | WM-DM | PS-S | Order |
Tradescantia ohiensis | Common Spiderwort | $15.00 | Blue | 2'-4' | May-July | WM-D | PS-S | Order |
Verbena hastata | Blue Vervain | $14.00 | Purple | 3'-6' | July-Sept. | W-M | PS-S | Order |
Vernonia missurica | Ironweed | $15.00 | Purple | 4'-6' | Aug.-Sept. | WM-M | PS-S | Order |
Veronicastrum virginicum | Culver's Root | $65.00 | White | 4'-6' | July-Aug. | WM-DM | PS-S | Order |
Wetland Species - Grasses and Sedges
Scientific Name | Common Name | $/oz. | $/lb. | Height | Bloom | Moisture | Sun | Purchase by oz | Purchase by lb |
Andropogon gerardii PLS | Big Bluestem | $ 3.00 | $18.00 | 5'-8' | Warm Season | WM-D | PS-S | Order/oz | Order/lb |
Carex comosa | Bristly Sedge | $22.00 | 2' | Cool Season | W-WM | S | Order/oz | ||
Carex crinita | Fringed Sedge | $27.50 | 4' | Cool Season | W-WM | PS-S | Order/oz | ||
Carex cristatella | Crested Oval Sedge | $50.00 | 2' | Cool Season | W-WM | PS-S | Order/oz | ||
Carex grayi | Common Bur Sedge | $27.50 | 3' | Cool Season | W-M | PS-S | Order/oz | ||
Carex lupulina | Common Hopsedge | $27.50 | 3' | Cool Season | W-WM | PS-S | Order/oz | ||
Carex vulpinoidea | Foxtail Sedge | $10.00 | 2' | Cool Season | W-WM | PS-S | Order/oz | ||
Elymus virginicus PLS | Virginia Wild-Rye | $ 4.00 | $21.00 | 2'-4' | Cool Season | W-M | PS-S | Order/oz | Order/lb |
Panicum virgatum PLS | Switch Grass | $ 3.00 | $17.00 | 3'-5' | Warm Season | WM-D | PS-S | Order/oz | Order/lb |
Scirpus atrovirens | Bulrush | $10.00 | 3'-5' | Cool Season | W-WM | S | Order/oz | ||
Scirpus cyperinus | Wool Grass | $15.00 | 3'-5' | Cool Season | W-WM | S | Order/oz | ||
Sparganium eurycarpum | Common Bur Reed | $10.00 | 4' | Warm Season | W | PS | Order/oz |
Codes and definitions:
PLS - Pure Live Seed
Bloom time:
For wildflowers: the months in which the plant is typically flowering.
For grasses: warm season denotes actively growing when soil is warm; cool season denotes actively growing when soil is cool.
W = wet - wet soggy
WM = wet mesic - heavy with moisture for long periods, but can dry up in summer
M = mesic - medium moisture
DM = dry mesic - moisture drains readily
D = extremely dry
PS - partial sun, woodland edge
S - full sun opening
If you are seeding on bare soil or slope, we recommend including a temporary cover crop at a rate of 15 lbs. per acre, $2 per lb.
If you have large acreage, we suggest finding cover crop locally as they are commonly available and are heavy, adding substantially to your shipping cost with us.