Michigan Wildflower Farm - Songbird Mix

50% Forbs, 50% Grasses
Seeding Rate - 5 oz./1000 s.f. or 10 lbs./acre
$12/oz. or $192/lb.

Our seeds are available in any amount, no matter how small or large your project.

Coverage AreaWeightCost
1/4 acre2.5 lbs.$480.00
1/2 acre5 lbs.$960.00
3/4 acre7.5 lbs.$1440.00
1 acre10 lbs.$1920.00

Songbird Mix - Forbs

Scientific NameCommon Name
Aquilegia canadensisWild Columbine
Coreopsis lanceolataSand Tickseed
Echinacea purpureaPurple Coneflower
Monarda fistulosaWild Bergamot
Penstemon digitalisFoxglove Beard-Tongue
Ratibida pinnataYellow Coneflower
Rudbeckia hirtaBlack-eyed Susan
Silphium integrifoliumRosin Weed
Silphium perfoliatumCupplant
Silphium terebinthinaceumPrairie Dock
Solidago rigidaStiff Goldenrod
Symphyotrichum laeveSmooth Aster
Symphyotrichum novae-angliaeNew England Aster

Songbird Mix - Grasses

Scientific NameCommon Name
Panicum virgatumSwitch Grass
Sorghastrum nutansIndian Grass

A note about cover crop...

If you are seeding on bare soil or slope, we recommend including a temporary cover crop at a rate of 15 lbs. per acre, $3 per lb.


If you have large acreage, we suggest finding cover crop locally as they are commonly available and are heavy, adding substantially to your shipping cost with us.